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  • We define the Luxôme Experience Colloborator as the scented experience that all the employees of your company will live through the diffusion of Louis Luxôme Paris luxury home fragrances within your company's premises. Company directors and their employees must feel comfortable in your premises well scented by Louis Luxôme Paris luxury luxomizers and home fragrances.


  • According to a study carried out (Germany 2013 study), 88% of employees feel an improvement in their work in the presence of perfumes.


  • Employee motivation is increased by diffusing a pleasant smell in the workplace (establishment, offices, etc.), which results in emotional improvements in employees and, consequently, the formation of a welcoming work environment.


  • In the office, odours affect work behaviour, productivity and the mood of employees. Indeed, among the five senses, smell has a great influence on human behavior without us even being aware of it. Employees spend many hours at work and it is for this reason that it is essential that they feel good in the company. If they are comfortable in the office, then their intellectual abilities will be maximized.


  • In short... What are the advantages of the Luxôme Employee Experience in companies?
  1. Affirms your company's identity: When your employees or visitors visit your company, they smell the fragrance you have chosen to diffuse. They remember your olfactory signature and it is directly associated with your business, which is a huge asset to your brand identity.
  2. Promotes their well-being: The calming properties of the fragrances diffused help reduce stress and anxiety for employees. Indeed, olfactory marketing acts on the mood of workers by offering them a pleasant working atmosphere and also acts on the employee experience. And it is known that the well-being of an employee in a company has a direct impact on his or her motivation!
  3. Optimizes the performance of your employees : Diffusing fragrances allows you to bring back memories for individuals. Depending on the fragrance chosen, you can act on the creativity, motivation or concentration of your employees. In other words, fragrances have a direct impact on employee performance!


  • The objective of La Luxôme Employee Experience is to offer a luxuriously perfumed, welcoming and pleasant setting to all their employees of a company and its business partners conducive to the good development of their business in complete serenity.


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